Data: 11 de Setembro de 2020
Date: September 11th, 2020
Hora: 10:00
Time: 10:00 AM

Uma perspectiva interdisciplinar sobre mudanças ambientais globais no antropoceno
Leila da Costa Ferreira é Professora Titular de sociologia do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da UNICAMP. Pesquisadora sênior do NEPAM-UNICAMP. Atualmente é Coordenadora Associada do Nepam. Pesquisador CNPq. Representante da UNICAMP WUN Global Challenges- Adapting to climate change. É membro da International Sociological Association (ISA). É membro do Associate Faculty do Earth System Governance Project ( Future Earth). Foi Professora Visitante da Universidade do Texas/ UT nos EUA no ano de 1998 e Professora Visitante na Universidade Jiao Tong em Shanghai, China em 2009. Fez pós doutoramento na Universidade de York na Inglaterra em 2005 e pós doutoramento na Universidade do Texas / UT em 1995/1996. Já palestrou em mais de 20 países sobre temas relacionados ao ambiente. Autora de mais de 10 livros sobre a problemática ambiental.
Mathias Pires é formado em Ciências Biológicas pela Unicamp onde também obtive o título de Mestre em Ecologia sob orientação do Professor Sérgio F. dos Reis. Obteve o título de Doutor sob orientação do Professor Paulo R. Guimarães Jr junto ao programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia da USP. Após o doutorado desenvolveu um projeto de pesquisa de pós-doutorado sob supervisão do Professor Tiago Quental no Laboratório de Macroecologia e Macroevolução no Departamento de Ecologia da USP. Desde 2018, é Professor Doutor no Departamento de Biologia Animal do Instituto de Biologia (IB) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Seu principal interesse é compreender como interações ecológicas influenciam extinções em escala de tempo ecológica e geológica e as consequências ecológicas de extinções. Também tem interesse em compreender os mecanismos que atuam em diversos níveis de organização biológica e estruturam interações ecológicas gerando padrões no nível de comunidades. Atua como revisor das principais revistas científicas nas áreas de ecologia e evolução como Science, PNAS, Ecology Letters e Ecology.
Leila da Costa Ferreira is Full Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences at UNICAMP. Senior researcher at NEPAM-UNICAMP. She is currently Associate Coordinator of Nepam. CNPq researcher. Representative of UNICAMP WUN Global Challenges- Adaptation to climate change. He is a member of the International Sociological Association (ISA). He is a member of the Associate Professor of the Terra System Governance Project (Terra do Futuro). She was Visiting Professor at the University of Texas / UT in the USA in 1998 and Visiting Professor at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China in 2009. She did a postdoctoral research at York University in England in 2005 and a postdoctoral research at the University of Texas / UT in 1995/1996. He has lectured in more than 20 countries on topics related to the environment. Author of more than 10 books on environmental issues.

An interdisciplinary perspective on global environmental changes in the anthropocene
Leila da Costa Ferreira is Full Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences at UNICAMP. Senior researcher at NEPAM-UNICAMP. She is currently Associate Coordinator of Nepam. CNPq researcher. Representative of UNICAMP WUN Global Challenges- Adaptation to climate change. He is a member of the International Sociological Association (ISA). He is a member of the Associate Professor of the Terra System Governance Project (Terra do Futuro). She was Visiting Professor at the University of Texas / UT in the USA in 1998 and Visiting Professor at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China in 2009. She did a postdoctoral research at York University in England in 2005 and a postdoctoral research at the University of Texas / UT in 1995/1996. He has lectured in more than 20 countries on topics related to the environment. Author of more than 10 books on environmental issues.
Mathias Pires has a degree in Biological Sciences from Unicamp where I also obtained the title of Master in Ecology under the guidance of Professor Sérgio F. dos Reis. He obtained the title of Doctor under the guidance of Professor Paulo R. Guimarães Jr from the Graduate Program in Ecology at USP. After his doctorate he developed a postdoctoral research project under the supervision of Professor Tiago Quental at the Macroecology and Macroevolution Laboratory at USP's Department of Ecology. Since 2018, he is a PhD Professor in the Department of Animal Biology at the Institute of Biology (IB) of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). His main interest is to understand how ecological interactions influence extinctions on an ecological and geological time scale and the ecological consequences of extinctions. He is also interested in understanding the mechanisms that operate at different levels of biological organization and structure ecological interactions, generating patterns at the community level. He acts as a reviewer of the main scientific journals in the areas of ecology and evolution such as Science, PNAS, Ecology Letters and Ecology.